2 cups ½” All White Cooked Diced Chicken (code 12000)
¾ cup mayonnaise
2 tsp sugar
2-3 tsp curry powder
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tbsp apples, chopped
2 tbsp green onions, chopped
2 tbsp red grapes or raisins, chopped
1. Thaw Cooked Diced Chicken before using.
2. Combine first five ingredients in a large bowl.
3. Add 2 tbsp of any or all of the following: chopped apples, sliced green onions, sliced red grapes or raisins.
4. Chill and serve on pumpernickel toast, or as an appetizer dip with coloured tortilla chips.
VARIATION: Try with cooked pasta, chilled well for a zesty new summertime salad favourite!
VARIATION: Use any of our Fully Cooked Chicken products OR Fully Cooked Turkey in this versatile chicken salad.